School Supplies
What is not addressed as part of the above list are personal items which are required:
- Indoor shoes - your child must be able to put on and do up themselves (velcro only (Kindergarten), lace-up shoes (Gr. 1-6) only if your child can tie independently)
- Water bottle
- Backpack
The "also required" list includes items which you may already own. We do not expect parents to purchase these items every year. These need only be purchased if you do not already own them.
Write-On Stationery

James Mowat Elementary is once again offering school supply packages through Write-On Stationery. Write-On will purchase, package and deliver all of your supplies for next year to your home address over the summer.
THIS IS A VOLUNTARY PROGRAM but one that we are sure will be of value to you as it ensures that students will be provided with quality school supplies that meet the student’s exact needs.
To pre-order your school supplies from Write-on Stationery, please order by August 1, 2024.
Note: Late orders are accepted and orders can be placed throughout the school year.
To Order Online:
Go to
Click on "For Parents" or go directly to the Parent Area
Select your School Name: James Mowat Elementary School - FORT SASKATCHEWAN
Choose your grade(s) and select package and/or items
Complete your order by clicking "PLACE ORDER"
You will receive an automatic email confirmation to confirm your order has been received
Write-On accepts: VISA, MC, AMEX, Visa Debit and INTERAC® Online