Congratulations to the new parent council executive for the 2023/2024 school year:
- President: Jordana Feist
- Vice President: Chantal Child
- Secretary: Lisa Brooks
- Treasurer: Nicole Wilson
Congratulations to the new parent advisory association (fundraising) executive for the 2023/2024 school year:
- President: Dawn Calder-Kennedy
- Vice President: Victoria Curran
- Secretary: Jessica Friday-Conroy
- Treasurer: Nicole Wilson
What does Parent Council Do?
Your Parent Council…
- has an open dialogue with the school, where the Principal and Assistant Principal provide information on the school, programs, and teachers and allow members/parents to provide their advice and opinions.
- welcomes our school Trustee, Jacqueline Shotbolt, to all meetings and listens to updates about what is going on throughout Elk Island Public Schools.
- organizes in special events like the Halloween Dance and the Fun in the Sun concession.
- organizes and administers the school’s Hot Lunch Program.
- designs the school’s Memory Book / Yearbook and takes pictures at school events.
- organizes special thank-yous to recognize the school staff (courtesy and compassion).
- raises funds for supporting the school (i.e., playground, classroom support, special events)
“Getting involved with Parent Council is a great way to stay informed about what is happening at the school. It is a wonderful opportunity to meet and get to know some of the administrators and teachers at the school, as well as other parents; and provides parents the opportunity to directly impact their child’s school. “
When are the meetings?
Meetings are held every 2nd Monday of the month (excluding December and June) in the school library at 6:00 p.m.
Do I have to attend the meetings? How can I get involved?
No, you do not have to attend all meetings. You can attend any, or none of the meetings but any and all parent support is truly welcome. There are many activities that are organized by your Parent Council that require assistance (The Halloween Dance, Fun in the Sun, Fundraising, etc...). The best way to stay informed of what your Parent Council is up to, is to sign up on the e-mail distribution list, like us on Facebook and to read the school’s monthly newsletter.
Where do your Parent Council fundraising dollars go?
The majority of Parent Council fundraising dollars go right into the classrooms to help support the teachers in their classroom activities. Some funding goes to special programs, like busing for select student events or to purchasing new equipment for the school. And of course, the past few years, huge fundraising efforts went into purchasing our new playground.
Parent Council Budget 2017-2018
What is the Hot Lunch Program?
The hot lunch program is an opportunity for parents/students to purchase a lunch provided one to two times each month. Forms go out about two weeks prior with a list of the selections and costs.
What is The Halloween Dance and Fun in the Sun?
These are two exciting events organized, in part, by your Parent Council (dependent on restrictions).
The Halloween Dance, scheduled one Friday at the end of October, is an opportunity for students and parents to come out in costume, dance, socialize and have tons of fun. It is located in the school gym. There are prizes, a DJ and yummy treats sold by Parent Council.
Fun in the Sun is a year-end activity, which involves games and sports outdoors. Parent Council organizes a concession where kids can purchase their own treats, drinks, freezies, as well as hot dogs for lunch. For many students, it is the highlight of their school year.
How can I get involved by volunteering with Parent Council?
We are always looking for help in coordinating the programs and events run by Parent Council. These are some of the events where we look for volunteers:
- Hot Lunch
- Involvement with fundraisers
- The Halloween Dance (late October)
- Fun in the Sun Concession (June)
- Teacher Recognition – Quarterly, we like to provide some healthy (and not so healthy;) treats in the staff room to thank the school staff for all they do for our children.
If you are interested in getting involved in any of our events, please contact parent council at or by approaching any of us from Parent Council.
Please consider getting involved with your Parent Council!
Any and all support is truly welcome!
We, as parents, are here to make our children’s school a better place!
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